Symfony Development with Lando

Mike MilanoMike Milano|Thu, Dec 3, 2020

As of version 3.0.22, Lando ships with a Symfony recipe which makes standing up a new site, or running an existing site, pretty easy.

In this article, we'll setup a new Symfony application and use Symfony Console to create a home page controller.

Note: In the future, anytime you wish to start a new Symfony site with Lando, you can follow the Getting Startedopen in new window documentation.

Create a New Site

To get started, let's create a directory and initialize the Symfony recipe.

mkdir myapp
cd myapp

lando init --source cwd --recipe symfony --webroot public --name myapp

You should now have a .lando.yml file which should look like this:

name: myapp
recipe: symfony
  webroot: public

Next we'll use composer to create the Symfony app based on symfony/website-skeleton.

# Create the app
lando composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton tmp && cp -r tmp/. . && rm -rf tmp

# Install desired dependencies
lando composer require annotations doctrine logger maker profiler twig var-dumper

At this point our codebase has been created and we're ready to start the stack.

lando start

That command should result with information related to your new environment. It should look somethingn like this:

 NAME            myapp
 LOCATION        /Users/mmilano/projects/myapp
 SERVICES        appserver, database
 APPSERVER URLS  https://localhost:32826

Using Symfony Console

Lando provides tooling which allows you to run Symfony Console within the context of your Lando environment.

Instead of bin/console you will use lando console.

Let's create a home page by using the maker bundle.

lando console make:controller DefaultController

This creates a new file: src/Controller/DefaultController.php.

If you would like this to be your home page, modify the Route annotation path from /default to /.


namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class DefaultController extends AbstractController
     * @Route("/default", name="default")
    public function index(): Response
        return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', [
            'controller_name' => 'DefaultController',

Setting up the Database

You can get database credentials for a Lando environment by running lando info.

In our case, the credentials are as follows:

host: database
user: symfony
pass: symfony
dbname: symfony

Now add these values to the DATABASE_URL entry in your .env file:


Using the database is beyond the scope of this article but the database already exists and Doctrine related console commands should work as they do with any other Symfony environment.

What Next?

This demo is pretty simple, but Lando is extremely flexible and can accommodate much more complicated stacks. For instance, if your application requires Redis, you can reference Lando's Redis Documentationopen in new window and add it to .lando.yml. Once you change the Lando file, running lando rebuild will rebuild the stack with Redis. lando info will reveal the Redis connection info.

You're not limited to the services Lando lists. If you have less common or completely custom services, use the Composeopen in new window service to define any image as you would with Docker Compose.

Community Support

If you end up stuck or need help with the more complicated configurations, join our Slack Channelopen in new window where Lando maintainers and members of the community help each other every day.

Join and let us know how it goes!